The Library collection is geared towards providing materials and audio visual aids to support the teaching and learning activities of the school. The St. Anthony’s High School library contains one of the best and up-to-date book collections in different fields. The library is well equipped with a collection of books, newspapers, research reports and learning packages in all relevant fields of study. The total stock of the library system is over 10,000 volumes catering for all the subjects conducted at the school.
Students are encouraged to visit and use the library as much as they can and they should see the library as an important tool to bridge the gap between the class notes provided by teachers and information resources contained in it. Library users are required to follow library regulations as provided for in the library. In addition, the library is connected to the Internet with terminals for use by staff and students. Since the library is connected to the internet; students can access materials available from web sources. The library can accommodate more than 100 students at a time.
Modern library equipped with tablets and well trained librarians staff.
Library opening hours
Monday – Friday 07.30am – 05.00pm; Saturday: 09.00am-01.00pm
At night, Monday – Friday 07:00pm – 09:45pm
The library is closed in all public holidays.